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Maps, icons, illustrations, graphs and tables can be reused, given that the material is marked with the source and link to Photos used on the website are copy protected and cannot be reused without the photographer’s consent.
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First edition of "Sokkelkartet" from 1965
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Last edition of "Sokkelkartet" from 2024
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Oil and condensate pipelines
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State organisation of petroleum activities
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Historical timeline of some important fields
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Accumulated resource growth
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Capture, transport and storage of CO₂
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The Ministry's involvement in petroleum research
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Remaining petroleum resources per sea area
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Resource classification
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The geological timeline
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Formation of petroleum reservoirs
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Undiscovered resources by area
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Cumulative resource growth per sea area
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Production trends for selected fields
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Extended field lifetime
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Diversity of the service and supply industry
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Crude oil exports 2022
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What is crude oil used for?
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Norwegian natural gas exports 2022
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Expected volumes of sales gas
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Macro economic indicators
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Definition of natural gas, LPG and NGL
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Graphs and tables

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